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Atlas Bo Branan - Memorial Donations

(Donation form at bottom of page)

We found out we were expecting sweet Atlas in August of 2022, and we imagined limitless hopes and dreams and an entire lifetime for him from the moment we learned he existed. On January 10, at a routine appointment I was informed my sweet little baby boy had no heartbeat. He was then delivered at Northside Hospital where we were supported by the most thoughtful, kind hospital staff we have ever encountered. From the moment I was walked into the labor and delivery room, to the moment I was wheeled out through the beautiful butterfly garden through which many other loss moms have journeyed, I felt care and compassion I will never forget.

Though we lost Atlas at 25 weeks, he was our second child and we will go on missing him and dreaming about what life would be like if he hadn’t passed away every single day for the rest of our lives. Even 8 months later I often find myself reliving moments from our time together, some too precious to bear to share. I wish so deeply that he’d had a chance to see the world, to feel the warmth of a hug and the sweetness of a gentle kiss, to see his older brother’s face or feel safe in his daddy’s arms. I wish I’d had a chance to sing to him and rock him and read and do all the things we will only ever get to dream about for him. I am comforted only in knowing that all he knew for his entire life was our love.

The H.E.A.R.T.strings foundation at Northside was there for us from the day we checked in until we checked out and have supported us through this year in ways I can only hope other families will have the chance to experience if they are ever met with such a heartbreaking circumstance. They have gone above and beyond in remembering the important dates in my life which correspond to the milestones we have missed with Atlas. I hope one day we have the knowledge and skills to prevent stillbirth and other tragedies before they occur, but because stillbirth, miscarriage and infant loss are real and do happen things like H.E.A.R.T.strings and the support they offer are invaluable.

Please consider donating to this cause in honor of our sweet baby Atlas, as spreading awareness and making contributions in his honor are two of the only ways we are able to honor his memory. We love you forever sweet Atlas.

H.E.A.R.T.strings - Legacy Fund

All money raised will be for the H.E.A.R.T.strings Legacy Fund and will not only help us provide resources and bereavement support, but will also help you to "Let Your Love Glow" as you become a light for other bereaved parents. All money raised will be for the H.E.A.R.T.strings Legacy Fund. For more information about the H.E.A.R.T.strings Perinatal Bereavement fund, click here.