Epledge Technical Assistance & Questions:
404.614.1007 (weekdays)
Campaign Assistance & Questions:
770.667.4483 (weekdays).
Ambassador Resources
Check out these great resources below to help you run a successful department giving campaign!
THANK YOU for volunteering to serve as a 2024-2025 Employee Giving Campaign Ambassador!.
You can find your Ambassador Toolkit in your department’s in-house mail or at a local campus Ambassador kickoff event.
Click here to see "How to Pull Department Giving Reports".
Remember to download your Department Giving Reports daily, every other day or weekly to track, encourage and celebrate employee participation during the Campaign.
Login to the ePledge site, click 'Admin Login' (at the bottom of the page), then click 'Web Reports'.
Printable Documents:
- Ambassador Roles & Responsibilities (printable)
- Ambassador Kickoff/Training Powerpoint - video (5+min.)
- Why I Give PPT All Campus- video
- Campaign Flyer/Dates/Incentive Gifts (printable)
- Beneficiaries Flyer (printable)
- Ambassador Pin
- Paper Pledge Form (printable if needed/add shirt size - Online Pledging is Preferred, though.)